Saturday, October 5, 2013


I've recently become fascinated by Totem dispensers.  As a long time PEZ collector, every now and then I see a random Totem dispenser for sale on eBay.   After discovering there wasn't a web site showcasing Totem dispensers, I figured why not create a little blog for them?

Since there are only 15 Totem dispensers (21 including variations) this is a nice small-sized project.  You'll find a page for each dispenser and all the decent photos I could find.  I don't own any Totem dispensers currently, so the photos you see here are those I found on the web.

This blog is not intended to be a price guide for Totem dispensers.  I provide a relative value compared to other Totem dispensers (using John LaSpina's book below), but not hard numbers.  Here are a couple good resources if you're looking for a price guide:
  • The Original Collector's Price Guide to PEZ --  This is a softback book written by John LaSpina.  Towards the back there a couple pages devoted to Totem with price ranges for each dispenser.  There are no photos, but each year the book is revised so the pricing info is always current.  2013 marks the 24th edition!
  • Collector Guide to Non-PEZ Plastic Candy Dispensers -- This is an 80-page eBook written by Scott Osborne in 2006 and distributed as a PDF file.  It has photos and price ranges for each Totem dispenser.  I haven't purchased this yet, but it has received great reviews from other collectors and it's only $10.
Are you looking to buy Totem dispensers on-line?  If so, here are four options for you:
Please have a look around and feel free to leave comments and share any Totem info you may have.
